How do I check my device balance?
On your Mobility bill

- “Current charges” section: details your monthly device charge (excluding tax) as per your Bell SmartPay agreement.
- “For your information” section: Your Device Details highlights your Bell SmartPay device balance and remaining months.
- Device: the device purchased on Bell SmartPay.
- Remaining balance: device purchase amount remaining.
- Term: total number of months in your Bell SmartPay agreement (the example above shows 24 months).
- Term remaining: number of months remaining in your Bell SmartPay agreement (the example above shows 23 months remaining out of 24 months).
In MyBell
- Log in to MyBell.
- Select My services at the top of the page, then select your Bell Mobility device from the list.
- Select More about my device to view your device information, including the remaining balance and commitment details. Go there directly

TIP: you can view complete details about your SmartPay device payments (including the payment agreement and schedule) by clicking “Learn more” under Remaining Device Balance.