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What does Bell’s 2016 local residential forbearance application mean to me?

You may have recently received an email, letter or bill insert informing you that on August 26, 2016, Bell filed an application for forbearance to the CRTC. This means we have asked the CRTC to have Home phone services in some areas deregulated (“forborne from regulation”), which will let us bring new local service offers to you faster. If our request is approved, you will continue to receive the quality services you have come to expect from Bell, though now under our Home phone Terms of Service.

Below are answers to questions you may have about this information.

Will I experience any changes to my Home phone service right now?
No, you will not experience any changes to your Bell services.

What is the difference between regulated and forborne areas?
Regulated areas are governed by the CRTC. An area that is forborne from regulation is no longer be governed by the CRTC.

When will I know if my area is forborne?
If our application is granted by the CRTC, we will notify you that your area has been forborne from regulation.

How will I benefit from forbearance?
In areas that are forborne, Bell will be able to respond to the competitive environment and bring you new local service offers quicker than before.

What are the main changes that will result from forbearance?
If your area is forborne, your services will fall under Bell’s Terms of Service. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with our terms at