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Bell Satellite TV

How to manage my favourites list on Bell Satellite TV

You can locate the Bell Satellite receiver model number on the front panel of your receiver.

How to create a favourites list.

The favourites list allows you to list the channels you watch most frequently for quick access.

  1. On your Bell Satellite TV remote, press menu.
  2. Scroll to and select Settings.
  3. Scroll to and select Preferences.
  4. Scroll to and select Favourites.
  5. Scroll to and select a list.
  6. Scroll to and select Modify List.
  7. Highlight the channel you want to add, then press select. Repeat for every channel you wish to add.
  8. When you're finished with your selections, scroll to and select Done.
  9. Select Done to save your changes.

Note: You can customize the name of your favourites list by selecting Edit Name at Step 6. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter a name and select Done when completed.

How to view a favourites list.

  1. On your Bell Satellite TV remote, press menu.
  2. Scroll to and select Settings.
  3. Scroll to and select Preferences.
  4. Scroll to and select Favourites.
  5. Select Guide Button, then select Done, to display your favourites list within the programming guide.
  6. To view within the guide, press guide multiple times to cycle through your lists.
  7. Or, select Guide Popup, then select Done, to display your favourites in a list on top of the programming guide.
  8. To view the popup within the guide, press guide to open the Favourites List Options box.
  9. Scroll to and select the desired Favourites List.

How to create a favourites list.

The favourites list allows you to list the channels you watch most frequently for quick access.

  1. On your Bell Satellite TV remote, press menu.
  2. Scroll to and select Preferences.
  3. Scroll to and select Favourites.
  4. Scroll to and select a list.
  5. Scroll to and select Modify List.
  6. Highlight the channel you want to add, then press select. Repeat for every channel you wish to add.
  7. When you're finished with your selections, scroll to and select Done.
  8. Select Done to save your changes.

Note: You can customize the name of your favorites list by selecting Edit Name at Step 5. Use the on screen keyboard to enter a name and select Done when completed.

How to view a favourites list.

  1. On your Bell Satellite TV remote, press menu.
  2. Scroll to and select Preferences.
  3. Scroll to and select Favourites.
  4. Select Guide Button to display your favourites list within the programming guide.
  5. To view within the guide, press Guide multiple times to cycle through your lists.
  6. You can also view as a popup, select Guide Popup to display your favourites in a list on top of the programming guide.
  7. While in Guide Popup mode, press Guide to open the Favourites List Options box.
  8. Scroll to and select the required favourite list.