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Bell Satellite TV

Which networks broadcast hockey games on Bell TV

With Bell TV, you can watch world-class hockey from the NHL, the juniors, and much more.

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League Region Bell Satellite TV Bell Fibe TV Bell Fibe TV app
CBC NHL Canada & U.S. 208 or 210 1040 or 1050 201 1201 201
Canadian Hockey League
Citytv NHL Canada & U.S. 214 1053 204 1204 204
TSN NHL - Ottawa Senators* Canada 404 1404 400-404 1400-1404 400-404
NHL - Toronto Maple Leafs* 403 1403
NHL - Montréal Canadiens* 401 1401
NHL - Winnipeg Jets* 402 1402
Canadian Hockey League 400-404 1400-1404
PWHL (Professional Women’s Hockey League)
IIHF World Junior Championship International
*Regional blackouts may apply.
Sportsnet NHL – Vancouver Canucks* Canada & U.S. 407 1407 407 1407 407
NHL – Toronto Maple Leafs* 405 1405 405 1405 405
NHL – Edmonton Oilers* 408 1408 408 1408 408
NHL – Calgary Flames*
NHL - U.S. teams 405-410 1405-1410 405-410 1405-1410 405-410
*Regional blackouts may apply.
RDS NHL – Ottawa Senators* Canada 123, 192 1880, 1881 108, 109 1108–1109 108, 109
NHL – Montréal Canadiens*
Canadian Hockey League
IIHF World Junior Championship International
*Regional blackouts may apply.
TVA Sports NHL North America 193 1883–1884 111–112 1111–1112 111–112
Québec Major Junior Hockey League Canada
NHL Centre Ice NHL North America 423–435 1450–1463 N/A 1450–1463 1450–1463