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Fibe TV

What should I do to get ready for my Fibe TV installation

Preparing for your Fibe TV installation

To prepare for your installation appointment, we recommend the following:

Before your installation date:
  • If you do not own your property, please have explicit authorization from the landlord to install new wiring, including drilling if needed.
  • If in a condo or apartment building, please arrange for access to the internal wiring closets through your building management.
On your installation date:
  • You, or a representative over the age of 18, must be present during the installation.
  • Please have any additional A/V wires you wish to connect from your TV to your Bell Fibe TV receiver. Your Fibe receivers already come with HDMI or component cables (HD), as well as composite/RCA cables (SD video/stereo audio).
  • Make sure there is a clear path and unobstructed access to the location where the Fibe TV receiver will be installed and the rear of the TV can be easily accessed.
  • Make sure the area where the Fibe TV receiver will reside allows for ventilation and airflow.
  • Please have adequate power outlets available at the TV and PC locations. (Power bars are not included in the installation, but we recommend having two available for your installation).
  • Make sure TVs and PCs are functioning, and are physically accessible.
  • Please provide the login information for your computer so the technician can set up your Internet connection.
  • Please have the WEP or WPA key for your wireless home network available so the technician can configure your new gateway with your existing wireless settings.
  • Be sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements.

During your installation

Your Bell Fibe TV and Internet installation may start at any time during your scheduled appointment window and extend beyond the allotted window depending on your requirements. We recommend you allow a minimum of five hours for a complete installation.

During your installation, the Bell Fibe TV technician will:

  • Install your Bell Fibe TV receivers in their requested locations.
  • Install the Internet gateway and configure it for Fibe TV.
  • Connect one PC and one laptop to the Internet gateway.
  • Activate all the receivers ordered.
  • Adjust the Bell Fibe receiver settings for the sharpest picture quality
  • Program the Bell Fibe universal remote for your devices and provide you with a full tutorial on how to use your new Bell Fibe TV receiver and remote.

NOTE: The technician will connect the Bell Fibe TV receivers to your home theatre system but is not responsible for home theatre configuration and set up.

Bell Fibe TV wiring

What to expect

  • Wherever possible, the Bell Fibe TV technician will re-use the existing in-home wiring
    • Gateway - One telephone jack will be dedicated to the Fibe TV gateway.
    • TV - Bell Fibe TV receivers can be installed wirelessly or using a cable (Ethernet or coaxial). The technician will choose the best option based on the wiring requirements.
    • Internet - Installation includes wiring to one PC, and wireless setup for one PC. Additional wired and wireless devices can be connected. The wireless SSID and passcode on the Fibe modem will be provided.
    • It may be necessary to replace outside wires and cabling, including attaching wires or enclosures to the house.
    • Any new in-home wiring will be run along the baseboards and may be visible, but re-using quality in-home wiring will be the first choice.