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How to read my bill

To view your current and past bills, you can log in to MyBell or the MyBell app on your mobile device.

Locating charges

Upon accessing your current bill summary, scroll down to view your detailed bill. The detailed bill provides an in-depth view of your Bell services, charges and discounts. Your services are displayed with a breakdown of charges for each subscriber, with easy access to service management tools such as running speed tests, viewing usage and more.

The detailed bill displays the following columns:

  • Monthly charges (i.e., the amount you are charged every month for your products and services).
  • One-time charges which may arise from service changes, usage outside of your plan, and fees from events outside the course of your regular services (e.g., installation fees).

To look at specific charges for a subscriber:

  1. Select to expand the service you are interested in viewing the charges for.
  2. Find the subscriber you are looking for.
  3. The detailed bill displays the monthly charges, monthly discounts, and any partial charges and credits for the subscriber.

The bill grid displays four types of charges:

  • Products and services: these include monthly recurring charges (e.g., rate plans, device payments, add-ons) and monthly recurring credits (e.g., ongoing promotions, monthly device discounts).
  • Service changes: any partial charges and/or credits resulting from a service change. For more details on these charges, view the support article: What does proration mean?
  • Usage: these can include any overage, roaming, Pay-per-view or On Demand charges not covered by your service plan/package.
  • Other charges and credits: these can include other one-time charges/credits (e.g., installation fee, activation fee).

The interactive nature of the detailed bill allows you to engage directly with specific charges and entries. Hovering over the info icon will allow you to learn more about a specific charge (e.g., What is included in your Mobility rate plan?). The blue question marks highlighting specific charges can be selected to get specific details for a particular charge.

For example, to see more details on one-time partial fees and credits resulting from a package change:

  1. Expand the service you are interested in seeing more details for.
  2. Find the subscriber you are looking for.
  3. Under Service changes, locate one-time charges with the blue question mark.
  4. Select the blue question mark to get more details regarding your partial charges.

You can also manage your services directly from the detailed bill with personalized links to self-serve tools.

Why did my bill change?

Changes to your bill

The "what’s changed" tile and timeline display events that drove changes to your bill chronologically on a timeline. The tile displays the top changes to your bill, providing you with a quick summary of the events that drove changes on your current bill.

The timeline provides line-by-line details on the dates and events affecting your bill (separated by service and subscriber). The interactive nature of the timeline also allows you to interact with specific events to obtain more information.

Compare my bills

The “compare my bills” feature provides a side-by-side comparison between your selected bill and the bill prior with line-by-line detail for all the services and subscribers on your account. Expanding a specific service provides you with details on the monthly and one-time charges on both bills.