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Help Bell protect the environment while using a secure e-bill service.

Over 21% of all bills issued by Bell are now electronic. Sign up and each year, you’ll help:

  • Save 33,000 trees
  • Reduce greenhouse gases by 4,000 tonnes
  • Conserve enough energy to heat 8,300 households

Bring back used mobile phones with batteries and accessories to Bell. They will be reused or recycled.

Bell donates the net proceeds of the program to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) as part of the national Bell Let’s Talk mental health initiative.

Use e-solutions from Bell to reduce energy consumption, air emissions and gain efficiency:

Bell is eliminating single use bags in stores and is committed to reducing packaging and using recyclable materials.

Similarly, Bell expects its suppliers to also act responsibly, respect the environment and demonstrate integrity.

Across all operations, Bell is reducing its environmental footprint by:

  • Minimizing the environmental impact of our network
  • Optimizing energy consumption and reducing air emissions
  • Maintaining efficient recycling programs

Bell Blue Box Program award

ISO 14001 Env. Management System Certification

Paperless billing

Switch to paperless billing

Do some good:

  • Reduce your environmental impact

Simplify your bill management:

  • Get an email notification when your bill is ready
  • Download and save your bills at any time from as far back as 18 months

Bring back your used mobile phones, batteries and accessories to Bell and we will either reuse or recycle them.

Bell donates the net proceeds from the Bell Blue Box program to WWF Canada’s Regenerate Canada project.


Use e-solutions from Bell to reduce energy consumption, air emissions and gain efficiency:

Responsible procurement

Bell is eliminating single use bags in stores and is committed to reducing packaging and using recyclable materials.

Similarly, Bell expects its suppliers to also act responsibly, respect the environment and demonstrate integrity.

Environmental performance

Across all operations, Bell is reducing its environmental footprint by:

  • Minimizing the environmental impact of our network
  • Optimizing energy consumption and reducing air emissions
  • Maintaining efficient recycling programs
Awards and recognition
Bell Blue Box Program award
ISO 14001 Env. Management System Certification